
Not deployed yet! Please be cautious of fake token addresses and contracts. We strongly recommend ensuring you are using the official token contract only!

PDAY Token

PDAY Token is the utility token of Pday and represents voting rights in the upcoming governance model. It has an organic connection with the Pday protocol and its revenue model, making it essential for the protocol's sustainable economy.

Token Contract and Details 👇


Tokenomics Detail:




100% unlock at TGE

Protocol Treasury



Team/DAO Management - Locked

Liquidity Reserve



100% unlock at TGE

Team & Contributors



10% at TGE, then linear vesting for 10 months

Development & Marketing



10% at TGE, then linear vesting for 10 months

Piteas Loyalty Airdrop



100% unlock at TGE

Grants & Bounty



10% at TGE, then linear vesting for 10 months




Initial suppy at TGE: 57,000,000 PDAY

Here are some details about token allocations 👇

  • Airdrop: Allocated for individuals who contributed during the sacrifice process and distributed fairly. A small portion is reserved for potential airdrops to incentivize protocol usage in the future.

  • Protocol Treasury: Allocated for Pday' future plans and is decided not to be used without community approval. It can be used in later stages with community approval for purposes like expanding to different networks, sourcing liquidity, or similar processes.

  • Liquidity Reserve: Approximately 50-75% provided as liquidity during the token launch phase. The remaining assets are held in reserve for future liquidity provision stages.

  • Team & Contributors: Allocated for developers and salaried individuals who support the protocol's development.

  • Development & Marketing: Allocated to cover expenses related to marketing Pday and to support the majority of technological developments and expenses of the protocol.

  • Piteas Loyalty Airdrop: These tokens will be used for a customized reward system for participants of Piteas's sacrifice and PTS holders.

  • Grants & Bounty: Allocated for third-party applications and personal initiatives related to protocol security, development, and marketing.

Piteas Loyalty Airdrop - Information To eliminate Sybil attacks and make a fair decision, we will not share the criteria for the Piteas Loyalty Rewards airdrop at this stage. Details regarding this will be shared with the community when the time is right.

Token Distribution

Last updated